Celebrate Recovery
@Bethesda Church in Huron, SD
A Christ-centered 12-step Recovery Ministry
What is Celebrate Recovery?
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Celebrate Recovery is an international recovery ministry started by John Baker in 1991 in Lake Forest, CA. Today, over 35,000 churches worldwide host a local Celebrate Recovery group.
Bethesda Church began hosting Celebrate Recovery in 2017. Our Large Group meetings are Thursdays at 6:30 PM. Click on Meetings to see what we're doing in Huron!
The Broken Chains are bikers and bike enthusiasts who have experienced Freedom from hurts, habits, and hang ups through the ministry of Celebrate Recovery. Our purpose is to share the healing power of Jesus Christ by serving in and promoting the ministry of Celebrate Recovery while continuing to grow in our personal, individual recoveries. As Broken Chains members we will endeavor to yield ourselves to God to be used to bring the Good News to others and other bikers, both by our example and our words.